D-Max's Journey to Help Those in Need

D-Max teamed up with Sara Luciano of Witchy Decor in January of 2020 to sell his custom scented candle: D-Max Power Juice. It’s a bright mandarin and citrus bubbly scented 9oz candle. 30% of sales went to purchase snacks for kids in need within a 10 mile radius of Bangor, Maine from grade K to grade 3.

​WABI' did a story on D-Max's first fundraiser.

D-Max made over a dozen videos featuring his fundraising progress to keep getting the word out there and making people excited to get involved with his fundraiser!
Councilor Michele LaBree Daniels honored D-Max’s fundraising efforts with a plaque and a challenge coin, which is given to someone by a city councillor to show that they have done something to make the city or world a better place.

D-Max went on a snack buying spree!
Thank you you so much for making our first fundraiser such a huge success! We were able to raise over $500 for local schools!

D-Max hosted two lemonade stands. He donated over $200 to the United Way to purchase snacks for kids in need thanks to so many incredibly supportive and generous people.
D-Max donated frisbees and stickers along with a special note to the kids at Boys & Girls Club in Bangor.

D-Max volunteers weekly for the Christine B. Foundation, delivering food to people affected by cancer in Eastern Maine.
D-Max hosted a food drive at the Brewer IGA to benefit the Bangor Homeless Shelter.

D-Max is named "Volunteer of the Year" by the United Way of Eastern Maine.
D-Max was a guest on The Nite Show and they donated $500.00 to his fund to feed hungry people.

D-Max raised over $4,000.00 to purchase bikes and helmet for the kids at the Boys and Girls Club in Bangor, ME from incredible donors such as NextHome, Subway on Union St. and Hermon, St. Andrew’s Lodge, Bangor Breakfast Kiwanis club and everyone that donated at his lemonade stand at the Brewer IGA.

D-Max sold his "D-Max Merch" sunglasses at the Subway on Union St. Bangor and Hermon. For every pair purchased, a pair was donated to a kid at the Boys and Girls Club in Bangor. He threw an ice cream party and gave away over 75 pairs on the last day of summer camp.

D-Max raised $1275 from his apple cider stand to fund the snack program at the Brewer Community School. Special thanks to Brewer Kiwanis, Tiller & Rye and Brewster's along with countless people that stopped by!

D-Max was invited to speak at the St. Andrew’s Lodge in Bangor. They presented him with a challenger coin for his service to the community.

D-Max and Rocco designed and sold sweatshirts. They donated the proceeds to the HOPE House in Bangor, ME.

D-Max hosted a lemonade stand and raised over $800 to donate to the Brewer Community School Snack Fund.
D-Max was invited to speak at the Maine School of Business about his community involvement.

D-Max hosted a mini-golf tournament to raise funds for the Brewer Community Snack Fund

D-Max was presented a Challenger Coin from Holden City Council for his work to feed hungry kids

D-Max raised over $2,000 to purchase a new PA system for Brewer Little League

D-Max is making sure everyone can celebrate their birthday with cake!