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"Learn the Merch Biz"

Is your child curious about starting a business? Are they eager to make money?  Do they want to be an entrepreneur?


Hi! I'm Lisa Liberatore. I created this course based on my experience with my son, Dorian (age 10). He is an ambitious child that wants to help feed hungry kids in our community.  He also enjoys making money so I gave him the framework to create a business that fosters creativity and exploration while building a customer base. 


This course provides a pathway for your child to start their own business!

Enroll now!

Photo by The CEO Kid on Unsplash


"My favorite thing is helping the kids in need and speaking to the world. I love being an entrepreneur. I keep building up."

- D-Max, age 8

Topics included in the class: 

Naming your business 

Creating a logo 

Pricing your merch 

Finding customers

Writing a business plan


In addition, they will learn the difference between needs and wants, how money works, and other fun games to encourage participation and lively conversation. They will be excited for our weekly classes and eager to tell you all about what they learned! 


Class schedule:

8 weeks 

1 hour per week on Zoom

They will have homework each week that requires the learner to work independently and also engage with family and friends.


Monday   10-11:00am

Tuesday   4-5pm


Age: 8-10


Class size: 4-6


Cost: $197.00 

For an additional $30, your child’s business name and logo will be printed on a t-shirt.  Shipping included.  100% OF PROFITS from t-shirt will be used to purchase snacks for kids in need.


Materials needed: Access to zoom, ability to print worksheets, pen and paper


This is an online course with individual lessons to help your child start a merch biz!  


BONUS! We'll send your child a note and a D-Max Merch sticker!

Hi! I’m Lisa Liberatore, serial entrepreneur and author, Power of Transparency- An Entrepreneur’s Lessons on Balancing it ALL. 


I have a Bachelor degree in Child Development and Family Relations.  I also hold a Masters in Student Development in Higher Education with a concentration in Educational Leadership.


Of all my businesses, I am most proud of my title as Co-Founder of D-Max Merch that my son, Dorian (age 8) founded based on his passion for helping others and making some pocket money along the way.  


This course was designed based on the lessons learned from starting D-Max Merch. 

"It would be an honor to teach your child how to start a business. I really hope they can be a part of it because we are really doing something that is fun and also educational!"- Lisa Liberatore


If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.  

Sign up now!
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