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Hi!  I'm Dorian's mom, Lisa Liberatore.  D-Max was born and raised in an entrepreneurial environment.  When he wasn't at Lisa's Legit Burritos, he could be found scribbling on notebooks while I ran meetings as the President of Gardiner Main Street or mostly recently cheering on his friends playing dodgeball with Fusion sports.  


He completed his first first fundraiser in February 2020. We had to frantically rush to get the snacks to the school before they shut down due to Covid-19.  


He misses sharing the lunch table with them.  He knows that some of his friends are now having to go to school to pick breakfast and lunch to eat and that saddened him.  When asked me if he could start a business selling his custom artwork as "merch" to raise money to purchase more snacks for kids in need, I had to say YES!     



I am proud of his drive and determination to launch D-Max Merch. When the going gets tough, D-Max stood up to lead the way to filling the lunch table with snacks for all in need.

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A note from D-Max:


hi guys I would love if 

you buy my mech so I can help

kids in need. I don't like being hungry and don't want any kids to be hungry so I want to help. my goal

is to get 45 t-sherts

and 300 stickers.  PLEASE HELP ME! thank you 

About D-Max:

I m d-max and some amazing people (Andy, Emerald, Sarah and my mom)helped me make this. I have a good mom. 

 my step dad is so nice. I love to ride my bike. my jd and grandpa teach me how to play backgammon. 

my jd loves to go on ivenchers I go with her. 


I love going to the park. I am 

loving life.


Mark Cuban is cool.


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D-Max ran a lot of numbers to make sure that this business would be profitable from the start. 

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Meet D-Max

An entrepreneur since 2012!

 Proud Mainer from the 207



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